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Dr. Greenberg First Surgeon in W. Mass To Perform L.E.S.S. Removal of Uterus/Ovaries

Dr. Elliot Greenberg is the first surgeon in Western Massachusetts to perform Laparoscopic removal of the uterus and/or ovaries through the navel using a single, hidden incision. This type of surgery, known as Laparoendoscopic Single Site Surgery (LESS) allows patients another minimally invasive approach for hysterectomy and other gynecologic surgical procedures. Traditionally, these procedures either required a large abdominal incision, (laparotomy), or three to four smaller incisions in addition to a belly button incision (laparoscopy) – both leaving visible scars. The LESS approach offers the benefits of a single, small naval entry point through which the entire surgery is performed.

During LESS, a single one inch incision is made in the belly button and a specially designed device is inserted through this small incision. This device allows all of the laparoscopic instruments to be introduced into the abdomen through one single site. After healing, the incision site typically is not visible and the patient has no obvious evidence that she ever had surgery.

Speedy Results
Dr. Greenberg shares that “The LESS approach takes Minimally Invasive Surgery to a new level of cosmetic improvement and possibly faster recovery – all with benefits to the patient. The duration of a surgery performed with the LESS approach is no more than a traditional laparoscopic procedure – about 1½ hours. In almost all cases, the patient is discharged within 23 hours of surgery and most patients are able to return home on the same day as their surgery. Additionally, in most cases patients can resume normal activities in one to three weeks (compared to six weeks with traditional hysterectomy). We have been performing these procedures for almost two years and the patients have been ecstatic over the results. Not only do they love the faster recovery associated with this minimally invasive approach, but they are amazed when they realize that they have no visible scar.”

Dr. Greenberg has been travelling throughout the nation teaching Laproendoscopic Single Site Surgery courses to other surgeons over the past several months. Many minimally invasive surgeons are excited to learn this new approach to be able to take their skills to the next level and provide their patients with more minimally-invasive surgical options. Dr. Greenberg reports that “Single Site Surgery involves changing our thought process from triangulating through several incisions spread widely apart on the abdomen, to operating in an ’In-line’ approach through the belly button. It’s been fun to teach surgeons this new way of looking at laparoscopic surgery. Teaching these courses also allows me sharpen my skills, and offer our patients the best minimally invasive approaches.”

Dr. Greenberg is a leader in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery in New England and has been at the forefront of many surgical innovations in Western Massachusetts. He performed one of the first Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomies (laparoscopic removal of the uterine body while leaving the cervix intact) in the early 1990’s and was the first daVinci certified robotic gynecologic surgeon in Western Massachusetts.

  • Click here to access an article published by the Republican on July 21, 2010 about L.E.S.S. and Dr. Elliot Greenberg.


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Regardless of your diagnosis, our goal is to solve problems with smaller or no incisions.

Even with traditional open abdominal surgeries, we pride ourselves in offering minimally invasive options for most gynecologic surgeries, resulting in:

  • less discomfort

  • fewer restrictions

  • minimal scarring

  • and the best possible medical results

Visit our surgical gynecology section for in-depth information.

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